- Test catalog updates, including reflex tests for CI LNSP, CI IPCI
- Viewable audit trail for application events, such as by order, by user, etc.
- Nonconformity reporting enhancements
- Add referring site names/codes for drop down selection on forms
- Improved support for the selection between multiple reflex test algorithms or to allow for the selection of a different test then the default test in the algorithm
- Order view (consulter)
- Test autoselection based on PNPEC directives
- Modify or view order through search by reception date
- Reflex testing algorithms (ELISA)
- Capture of clinical patient data and use in raw data export
- Specific patient reports, non-conformity report, raw data export, and internal reports for CI LNSP
- Enhance internal report with LNSP guidance
- Support for Virtual Machine deployments and upgrades
- Integrated automated backups
- Additional analyzers mapped for automatic import of results
- Bug fixes
Please send us any feedback you may have about the release.